Activity Seven - Professional Context - Crossing Boundaries

Professional Context - Crossing Boundaries

Activity 7 - Interdisciplinary Connection Map

An interdisciplinary approach is the combination of multiple disciplines that help to create teams of teachers and students that strive to create an outcome of an enriched educational experience (Jones 2009).  

As my Interdisciplinary Connection Map (above) shows, without even realising it, we are engaged in multiple interdisciplinary relationships every day. It's only when we meaningfully collaborate to further benefit the educational experiences of our students do we realise just how many times we actually do this. 

Potential Interdisciplinary Connections

2018 will see (so long as we have permission from the Ministry of course) our CoL (Kahui Ako) begin a journey of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. We will be focusing on establishing positive relationships with our learners and incorporating culturally responsive pedagogies that have a positive impact on our learners with a particular emphasis or focus on Māori students.

The Principles in Kahikatea (Ministry of Education 2013), emphasises how powerful collaboration is and how valuable it can be working closely with iwi and Māori organisations. This can help to life the performance of the learners, the teachers and he community.

The CoL leaders are currently in the process of employing a number of cross school leaders who can competently lead us in this direction. Identity, language, culture and the need to develop partnerships with whānau have been identified as of the utmost importance and this will be a great guide.

Potential Challenges 

As with any new initiative, there will be challenges and I predict the biggest one to be that of resistance of a change in Pedagogy. There will be some teachers who may presume to already be 'doing this' and so will be loathe to make some changes, but I would like to think that the majority of us will be keen to take on a new challenge no matter how much it takes us out of our comfort zone.

Of course, we have to ask ourselves what the indicators will be and how can it be measured and most importantly, I think, what will success look like for the students, whānau and community?

I also think it is vitally important that the right people are put into these cross school positions. Making the connections and developing the relationships will be the crux of this initiative and one we cannot afford not to get right.

It will be an interesting journey and one I really look forward to going on next year. I also look forward to collaborating with others and accelerating success for not only our Māori learners but for every learner across the 9 schools.


Jones, C.(2009). Interdisciplinary approach - Advantages, disadvantages, and the future benefits of interdisciplinary studies. ESSAI7 (26), 76-81. Retrieved from
