Activity Five - Legal & Ethical Context
Legal and Ethical Contexts in My Digital Practice Boundaries So many digital ethical dilemmas! Unfortunately this is something that is a daily part of our teaching of 21st Century Learners. Henderson, Auld and Johnson (2014) argue that there are 4 ethical dilemmas to be taken into consideration; consent, confidentiality, boundaries and recognising and responding to illicit activity. When these are broken down, it's hard not to think, "How can a teacher, teach in a 21st Century context without crossing any, if in fact not all of them every day?" When I started back in the classroom in January this year, I knew that things had changed from when I was there 4 years earlier, however, I was unprepared for what was now required of a teacher. I was very uncomfortable with the fact that Facebook now seemed to be the norm for schools. "A great way of communicating with your families", I was told. I was also informed that there was no set apps, blogs or form o...